and so it begins

  • and so it begins
  • like it ends, blood, flesh and torment, these are the days of
  • darkness for what was once known as the grand city of Kalimdor. A hundred years later, a young explorer finds his way to the city ruins in search for a scroll that is believed to..
  • explain the truth about what really happened to H.R. Pufnstuf. The young explorer's father (on his deathbed) had made him promise to solve the mystery before Witchiepoo
  • was burned to the ground by grumpy snowmen with a fetish for matches. He had promised to discover how HR Pufnstuf, the explorer, had died but quite frankly, he didn't give a toss.
  • What mattered was the fact the seven pine trees still stood after the winter of his discontent. They still were green! The snow had crushed everything else. The garden was planted
  • again the following spring, but this time with the trees windward to protect the plants. The roses grew as tall as Bozo. We called them Bozes and dressed them in amusing costumes.
  • The roses bending in the wind & dancing in costumes informed us that the gardener was watching us skinny dip in Aunty Lucy's pool of pudding. We were now painfully embarrassed as
  • each admitted to having had "relations" him when he was still the assistant gardener "from somebody else's garden", as they used to say in those days. Just then a balalaika strum
  • med and a single crane flew overhead. A woman coughed behind him. Anna Grigoryevna, he was sure of it. After some careful interpretation of that cough, he turned to meet his fate.


  1. Rebbie Feb 09 2017 @ 12:04

    Dang it, what was his fate?!!! Cliff Hanger.

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