Hola! Tal como le adelantábamos en la página

  • Hola! Tal como le adelantábamos en la página abrimos este espacio para que entre todos sigamos escribiendo la historia de la web. ¿Quien se anima a dar el primer paso?
  • "Que es un pequeño paso para un hombre. Un gran salto para la humanidad.", said Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez. America woke up from a bad dream. The Soviets and Cuba on the moon first!
  • Uncle Sam surveyed his surroundings: empty margarita pitcher, Soviet supermodel, Neil and Buzz wearing sombreros. "Back to work, El Buzzo," he said. "America's going to Mars." Buzz
  • stood up and said, "All for one and one for...blech" and puked all over Neil Armstrong. Uncle Sam said, "Good Lord!" Neil said, "Buzz is kind of, well he's been through a lot
  • of vodka today, trying to kill that alien baby lodged in his digestive tract." Buzz had fallen face down in his own vomit. Uncle Sam kicked him disconsolately. Armstrong wished
  • he was anywhere else but here. A sudden moment of deja vu prompted Armstrong to say & do something different...something that would change the course of his life forever. Buzz was
  • having a 3/4 life crisis, and that was when he made his decision. "Yeah, we saw aliens," Buzz claimed. It was that and NASA was really hard-pressed for ratings. "Totally aliens."
  • Buzz thought about it a bit more, stroking his rubbery chin. Then he snapped his fingers and grinned. "Aliens who look like Neil deGrasse Tyson, but sound like Carl Sagan!"
  • At last we had it. A foolproof plan. We'd been looking for a way to uplift the humans, to waken their minds to the stars above. Buzz's jowls twitched with excitement. At once
  • he darted into the dark, then returned with a turnip in his jaws. "With this turnip," Buzz barked, " the people of Earth will lift their hands to the stars as never before!"


  1. BlastedHeath May 03 2014 @ 01:58

    Ending inspired by Pasternak's "Sparrow Hills"

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