This is a test...and a testament to trying

  • This is a test...and a testament to trying new things. After all, what is the definition of insanity???
  • Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. At least that is what Mark Twain said.
  • Insanity is doing the same thing over a- oh. I guess I am insane after all. Or maybe I'm sane and everyone else is insane. Yea that makes sense, I mean, why else would people
  • keep telling me the same thing, over and over again? Clearly the world has gone mad.
  • "NO!" an insidious voice whispered inside my head. "It's you. YOU have just lost your sanity!" My eyes rolled inward & immediately I saw the problem. "GET OUT!" I screamed.
  • Yet the dread verse remained, an eternal hymn for Lost Carcosa played within my mind as liquid madness overflowed from its yellow chalice. "GET OUT!" I begged once more.
  • I couldn't take much more of this eternal hymn of Lost Carcosa. It was in my every waking and sleeping thought. I looked around frantically for something to cut it out with. I saw
  • a glint of something from across the ducal chamber. What kind of mischief will this lead to, I thought to myself even as I ran headlong into mischief. The cause of Lost Carcosa was
  • a lost one. I knew this. But nothing could stop me from going into the Burger Duke for a Whomper with cheese, even if I had to duke it out with some old lady who tried to cut in
  • No, this was his day. Clown or no clown, he would conquer his fear. The Bacon Dbl. Duke Burger beckoned to him. "Oh evil siren!" he shouted I shall defeat you and die a happy man!"


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