One day I was walking down the street and

  • One day I was walking down the street and I got hit by a car. As i got back up the driver got out of his car walked up and said
  • why were you standing in the middle of the road and then i said
  • "The middle is the best place to see it coming." Honestly, I wasn't sure why I was standing there. I couldn't remember where I was or why there was an apparition next to
  • me. I realized I wasn't standing. I was sitting. In a clam-shell car. With an iron bar across my lap. Moving. The mirrors showed me and the apparition! What the hell is going
  • on behind me! Is that my girlfriend in another clam-shell car two rows back? She caught me catching her! Please look away, I can't take the confrontation right now. I just want
  • to sail off on this air current and slip into a deep sea cave for Dominoes and Doctor Who night!" His girlfriend looked mildly embarrassed and wiped her face clean
  • of the years of filth she had allowed to accumulate, lying to herself that it was makeup the while. Staring into the cloth, she was astonished to find the face of the One and Only
  • Clown Prince of the Big Top Upstairs: Clown Jesus. She recalled the scripture: "Woop woop woop!" Book of Fools, versus 13 thru 6. "My makeup cloth looks like Clown Jesus!" she told
  • the crowd who'd gathered quietly to watch her rant. A lightening bolt flashed from the sky. BOOM! And killed her. "Let this be a lesson to you," a voice from the heavens boomed.
  • "Everybody's a critic these days. Whatever happened to obedient servants like Moses and Abe? What about some good old fashioned praise & worship? Is it too much to ask? Jeesh!"


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