Finally, he could be himself. He closed the

  • Finally, he could be himself. He closed the closet door. The walls were lined with astro-turf and he had a hogshead of port wine, and some cheeto's. He saluted his grande
  • burrito's altar portrait. Domingo Sifu had taught him much. He got naked and performed antigrav tumbling exercises inside the astroturfed closet. Later, he considered a Cheeto
  • infused cape and wore it while performing his gravity-defying feats. *Knock, knock* He slid back to the ground and opened the closet door. It was his mother. "Honey, it's time for
  • Our trip to the time machine. H.G. Wells was waiting for us since yesterday and he needs guinea pigs. So he volunteered, along with his mum. They called a taxi, which arrived at 12
  • :00 May 12, 1881 as a horse drawn carriage in Portsmouth just up the road from the very Drappery from which young Wells had just escaped. "Oo'eer. What about a ride for the lad?"
  • "Perhaps another time," Wells told the prostitute. Right now he needed to pay a call on Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Only Mr. Homes could solve The Case of the Portsmouth Drappery. Wells
  • went to call of Sherlock Holmes, but managed to get himself inexorably wedged in his front door. "It seems you are big-boned, Mr. Wells," said Sherlock, puffing his pipe in the
  • nostrils of the trapped obese man. "I'll handle this." Holmes got his revolver & aimed. Mr. Wells near fainted, but the doorposts were blown away & he was freed. "Watson, what diet
  • did you recommend for my cat? " He demanded. "Because clearly it is not working!" Watson could only shrug, stuttering, "I thought it was gluten free."
  • But now the Animal Rights Coeliac Division were involved and it soon spiralled into a chaos of lawsuits. "I only wanted to help!" screamed Watson as he was dragged away. Too bad.


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