Once upon a time there was a teacher.

  • Once upon a time there was a teacher.
  • No man, it should be twice upon a time.
  • "Or even thrice upon a time" I added, which was fatal because
  • I had completely forogtten that these people's biggest taboo was the number three. "No, no, I meant twice upon a time! TWICE!" I waved my arms in protest, but it was too late.
  • I could see the men at the back of the crowd picking up their pitchforks. "Oh no, no," I muttered to myself. I glanced around, looking for an escape. The cobblestone road leading
  • to an alley leading to the servant's entrance in the rear of Frankenstein's castle was my only choice. I ducked into the alley before the villagers began to riot. Someone was in
  • the trashcan! "Lemme out!" a thin, weak voice called. Hmmm. I hesitated, as it *was* Frankenstein's trashcan after all. "Who are you?" I asked, cracking the top of the trashcan.
  • "Boom!" the can lid flew open and there, amidst a cloud of dust and filth was...? "I-I'm terribly sorry..." he sputtered. "Who ARE you?" "Err, well you see, I'm-I'm- Hugh Grant..."
  • "Oh yes, I see that now, you are that Hugh Grant guy. Why are you on my demolition site, Mr. Grant?" Grant extracted himself from the burning trash bin looking part Cary Grant & pa
  • pa smurf. Grant replied "Yes, I am that Hugh Grant. And I'm here because you burnt my trash bin." With his bluish skin, he let out a huge cry "25 minutes too late!"


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