They said it was the second coming. The clouds

  • They said it was the second coming. The clouds were blood red and raining bats.Tarantulas grew opposable thumbs, and began to giving incredible reviews to horrible movies.
  • "Arizona really IS a weird place, isn't it?" I thought, treading carefully through the bloodied, batty streets. I really didn't want to eat anything, but my tumbly was grumbly and
  • I ignored it. How was my stomach ever going to learn to shut-up if I kept feeding it? Of course, treading through Arizona on a loquacious empty stomach didn't turn out so well.
  • I then starved to death, and was sent to hell. But luckly i made a deal with satan, in exchange for revival, i would give him
  • the fiddle with which I had bested him during my stay with the Charlie Daniels Band. "This will put an end to country music forever!" he exclaimed with glee, and then sent me back
  • where we belong, Where the eagles cry, on a mountain high. Damn, now I was singing both country and western. I recovered the fiddle and
  • while Rome burned I thought to myself, what a great day to sing and rejoice, so I played my fiddle gayly up and down the hills. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the sme
  • I was so inspired that I started playing my favourite song. I was in really deep feelings and singing crazily. After a while, I noticed that people were around me singing with me.
  • When I noticed how many people wereing singing with me I started to sing louder and dance and
  • thats when the rainbow appeared. I noticed the little dacning men, when one said to me


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