So today was the worst day of my life. I

  • So today was the worst day of my life. I was already late to my first class on the first day of school. I couldn't believe what I was greeted to when I entered the classroom.
  • On top of the long list of research papers and presentations the professor assigned us for the semester, students were also being asked to stand up in front of the class and
  • denounce their fellow students for Unamerican Activities. They thought the professor was being harsh but went along with it as they wanted to make the grade & it was a good way to
  • pretend to know something. Often, the students would answer a question but restating all the theories. Or they would tell a personal story that barely related to the subject.
  • For instance, one of my students, lets call him Lester. Lester was supposed to explain how the Infinity engine created its wormhole but instead told the following story: The first
  • time Lester met his great grand-mother Helspeth Abebe was in a tea shop in London, 1885. Well before his birth and invention of the Infinity engine, but for the sake of suspense,
  • we mention the apparent conflict due to the derailed conception of Lester's grandfather & the amorous advances of Hells Bebe on her great great grandson the night the Mikado opened
  • a mini fridge in his steel plate armor. "Egads," Milkado wiped the sweat from his helm free head with a cold coke. "These steamer trunks sure to steam me under my suit." Hells Bebe
  • glanced at his sideways to make sure he was okay before calling the psychiatric police. "It's Mikado," gasped Bebe into the phone, "I think the heat has driven him nuts." Sirens
  • quickly erupted around the area. Police cars were everywhere. "Freeze, it's the psychiatric police!" yelled the commander. Within minutes he was sent into an Asylum.


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