I would get excited at finding a fold that

  • I would get excited at finding a fold that I could see working with and I'd click it out. But in that split second I forgot the story I was aiming at & I'm already running to catch
  • another idea I had on the way, but then I realize that the idea I started with is not nearly as good as the one I encounter later on in my fold which now has no room to develop so
  • I guess I'll eat some damp paper, call it oatmeal, and then throw myself from the Brooklyn Bridge. Well, isn't it just my luck. The bridge is closed due to an attempted suicide.
  • I jostled thru looky-loos to the bridge's railing. "May I talk to him?" I asked the cop in charge. "Suit yourself." I stood by the suicider: "WE'RE GONNA JUMP TOGETHER, SUCKERS!"
  • And jump I did. It wasn't until I had fallen halfway down the gorge that I realized the suicider hadn't jumped too. It appeared the suicider had become the suicidee. I chuckled at
  • his resourcefulness. "Fascinating," I mused, "the minds of humans pursuing death." But jumping would not have killed him. It wasn't going to kill me--I thought... I hoped. The gorg
  • onzola he ate for lunch was so good, that even the mere existence of that cheese meant that he never could commit suicide. Mozzarella? I would put a gun to my head. Gorgonzola? No.
  • How about Habanero cheddar? He dropped the gun and said, let's make grilled cheese sandwiches now!. So we did and then I knew we were becoming famous for fifteen minutes. Wow!
  • Ellen greeted us onstage. "These are the mastermind chefs behind the habanero cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches--with a twist--that have been going viral." The twist she was referr
  • Ing was the inventors themselves being human sized habanero cheddar grilled cheese sandwiches. Their kind had invaded the Earth and won, dooming YouTube to a million chili shows.


  1. LordVacuity Jul 18 2019 @ 14:00

    And not one of them cooking the chili right.

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