The evening skies were beautiful with its

  • The evening skies were beautiful with its tint of red and yellow, it reminded him of the times he had with his now deceased wife "heh...those were the good days."
  • He looked over at his daughter resting on the loveseat, her eyes glued to the television as if a magnetic was drawing them together. The sparkle in her eyes reminded him of her.
  • The father had always loved his daughter and was always happy to see her happy, but there was something different about the daughter that he now sees.
  • His daughter looked older, for some reason she looked more mature.
  • "It worked!" He shouted as he jumped around in a moment of pure joy. The daughter only stared at her father and though to herself "Did it work?".
  • Subsequently, she was trying to sneak out to the room ,then she was going to see her boy friend that she love a lots and she broke up with her boyfriends with red mood
  • And so subsequently, she came home again. "Wow, that was a crazy day," she spoke out loud. "Yes, it was." It was her now ex-boyfriends that had come back to haunt her.
  • "And now," the ex-boyfriends announced in unison, "let's discuss what torpedoed our relationship." Suddenly claustrophobic, she rolled up a magazine and swatted at the past.


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