One night a person fell off a ledge.

  • One night a person fell off a ledge.
  • But didn't hurt herself because the ledge was only 6 inches off the ground. "Dang," she said to herself. "I really need to learn how to walk in these platform wedges.
  • But I have so many more important things to ponder, like the cure for cancer and ways to solve world hunger. I can't spend all my time figuring out my platform shoes! Why, if I
  • Could hunt down all the whales in the world and remove there penises I could use them to build homes for the poor. I would be then create an giant mutated panda whale hybrid that
  • solve the world's energy crisis. If only everything could be solved by this method. I then elapsed into a waking dream state of fantasy and hallucinogenic rolling waves of purple a
  • nd green, then the dream exploded into a beautiful shimmering slideshow of a nuclear power engine. All this talk about energy, exploding... maybe this was my purpose in life!
  • But once the effects of the LSD started wearing off, I began feeling my usual dreary self again. You know what? Maybe there is no purpose in life. I pondered that,
  • Having attended Burning Man, what did I learn. Thom Yorke sang, "Burn The Witch" as I came to the next morning. Where the hell did I dine? What the hell did I eat? The dinner bell
  • roared it's displeasure and we were flogged roughly by upright frogs in liverie. His Frog Friday came to mind. Remembering the dinner bell we went into the dining room where Satori
  • was the mode of the day. I sat and contemplated the frog on my plate until finally enlightenment reached me and I knew at last that I was French. Bon apetit.


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