Guido Takahashi regretted the cruelty of

  • Guido Takahashi regretted the cruelty of his calling. On Earth, people's lives were so circumscribed, so delimited, so predictable that internal screaming
  • sent ripples through his aura. Guido was the Prophet of Improv, but the puppet masses resisted fraying their taut strings and burling their wooden hearts. He discovered a guitar in
  • -stantly in his his "air" guitar case. He "air" tuned it. His audience shouted "Dylan!" Guido the Prophet of Improv always went with "it." So he put on his "air" harmonica and
  • started "air"playing it and someone shouted "YOU JUDAS! This is an Air-folk contest, no Air-Rock!". But then the "air" drummer threw an air-stick at him but missed and hit instead
  • the air-groupies, killing whatever airs of professionalism they formerly held. The air-groupies dispersed, either from disgust, head trauma, or the nearby Tornado. "Like woah, dude
  • I need that shit. Not." The air-groupies hugged each other so tight, but didn't kiss on the lips. Debris from the Tornado stopped them from climbing the Black Tower. Love never
  • swirled in their hearts the same way this tornado did. The Black Tower cast a shadow of the now grounded air-groupies, almost as it was mocking them. "Maybe we do need that shit."
  • The grounded air-groupies were out of their element, but with the tornado raging, they decided to leg it up the Black Tower. Walking sure was tougher than flying a jet plane!
  • As they neared the Black Tower, tornado shrieking, one of the airmen murmured sardonically to another, "Maybe it's the Dark Tower, I feel like I'm in a Stephen King... whoa! What
  • in the name of Vishnu's testicles is that? " A giant ethereal bunny wielding a halberd cleaved the tower in two. The prophecy was true. The 100 year rain of candy corn had begun.


  1. Argghhh Apr 19 2014 @ 18:27

    And so it begins. From endings come beginnings, but where do middles come from? Is this even for us to contemplate? Not unless we are ready for the answers.

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