He shined his jacket buttons, straightened

  • He shined his jacket buttons, straightened his tie and stepped out of his fathers limosine onto the Winsor Prepratory School grounds. With a name like Montague Rosenkranz,
  • he was bound for years of heckling from Junkyard Stan (no knowing how he wound up at Winsor, although some whispered nepotism). It began on the stately lacross field. Rozenkranz wo
  • -mbat's service was a company that serviced Wombats. Rozenkranz Jr. hated his dad's business and wanted to play a game with sticks and woven baskets instead. Junkyard Stan
  • Knew the victory auto wreckers jingle by heart, to his boss's chagrin.
  • "But its Christmas time!" he exclaimed! The Boss however, was still chagrin. "Unfortunately. The Auto Wreckers Inc. does not celebrate Christmas", announced the man named
  • Christopher Kringle, The Head Honcho of The Auto Wreckers Inc.. "Christmas is good for us wreckers because it drives stupid people onto the icy roads to find that last minutes gift
  • that will be thrown out by New Year's Day." Clearly, this Chris Kringle was not the jolly old elf we knew. A call came in, and he ran out to his tow truck to fetch another crumpled
  • heart of a naughty child. Chris Kringle had almost filled his quota of 10,000 naughty hearts for the year, when suddenly in the distance he heard a faint sound, "ho ho ho..." He
  • thought, “Could this be a faker, trying to muscle in on my Santa gig?” Investigating the source of the “ho-ho’s,” Chris Kringle rounded a corner and found himself face to face with
  • himself, only older/younger. This can't be right, both thought. Old him would have remembered this meeting and young him didn't like what he saw. He would end up fat and bald.


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