When you die, is it better to be an accountant

  • When you die, is it better to be an accountant in the mashes of Yuutan Bay's Blue Plate Special or is it better to be the ass end of a black ops mission that was going South so fas
  • t that there might not be time to brush up on my Penguinese before we got there. But we still had those Blue Platers shooting their automatic rifles at us. I looked to see who had
  • the ball. The LT let it show that he had the ball. It was his game. He sent Flint for Bouillabaisse and cream. He sent Matt Helm to fix some Wong that had gone right. But tonight,
  • Lt is sending me to go reap what has been sown. Trouble is, I don't know the difference between reaping & scything. Not really a problem for me, I could use the exercise. Might be
  • a problem for you and them that are standing behind you, because it gets really bloody when I get a good exercise in. There’s usually blood in the celebrations as well. The Bounty
  • Hunters spared nary a drop from the hunts they carried out, and even talk of such lulled crowds like heresy! So watch your back, and
  • remember to never build your damage, go for the new meta build! And that is the Miracle build! Go and be careful on your journey!" I wasn't a noobsicle. But I needed to win that
  • year's worth of mayonnaise if I was ever going to be able to build the bologna sandwich of my dreams. I encountered elves that could bite through car doors. I fought bulb-headed
  • Nazis who would roam the village late at night, their bulb heads flashing on and off as they searched for Jews. I met the suitcase man with a universe inside, I spoke with the
  • woman whose eyes held the essence of time. My hope for a different future died with them as they were gunned down in a raid the next night. But I'll never forget those eyes.


  1. Woab Jul 28 2019 @ 16:35

    Heart of Darkness Sandwich.

  2. LordVacuity Jul 28 2019 @ 17:15

    Apocalypse, WOW.

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