Did she like to gamble? Man, that Melanie

  • Did she like to gamble? Man, that Melanie could get a craps game going in a nunnery. She went to Vegas once
  • every two weeks, but when her husband confronted her about where she was getting her money, she lied and said it was from selling perfume at the mall. He was satisfied with this un
  • til he saw the receipts in her purse. Why was she spending six thousand dollars on men's clothes? Where the hell did she even GET six thousand dollars? His imagination piqued as
  • he discovered a matchbox from a local club called "Rain" with a number written on it. Should he call the number? A thought crossed his mind- he shouldn't even be in her purse when
  • his hand latched onto the small silver revolver. cold in his hand, the sweat instantly formed on his brow. he looked around slowly, and noticed
  • a dismembered hand crawling towards him. "Oh, shit!" he mumbled, raising the gun up to shot it. The gun went
  • fired violently, and he watched as the detatched hand fell into a fist of fury on the floor, only to relax and open again, revealing a caught bullet. He was no match for this
  • epileptic excitement which ravaged his frustrations. All he could do was hope that it would come to an end. Then suddenly
  • there came an enormous noise from the direction of the kitchen. My cook Emily had blown up the entire suffle meant for the Queen of England, but now we'd have to serve her
  • tater tots and fish sticks warmed up in the microwave. As I read the box's list of ingredients, I asked my partner, "What's scrod cod, anyway?" in case Her Majesty asked.


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