I have no intention of appearing in this

  • I have no intention of appearing in this foldingstory. However,
  • should this folding story be published in peer reviewed academic journals I should expected to be included in the references. Research into the impact of folding stories on
  • tologies featuring a supernatural being known as the winged hippo appearing in various stories on the development of the cult of the beautific river horse must cite hippopot 05mu5
  • and then Wickfelt MacGregor smiled and closed his notebook. Ever since being born and raised at the shores of Loch Ness, he'd become THE expert on watery beasts.
  • He was also an expert on porridge, malt whiskey and being taciturn and morose. Wickfelt MacGregor's ginger locks whipped up as the breeze on Loch Ness rose and Nessie's great head
  • rose above the choppy surface. Wickfelt placed a huge bowl of porridge at the shoreline. "Morning, MacGregor. Morose as ever, I see," said Nessie. He nodded and sipped whiskey.
  • MacGregor had just listened to the news and heard about the porridge massacre. Was this the same porridge?
  • MacGregor scoured the tabloids for information, but it was so grueling. He couldn't understand the why of it. He was more of a pacifist, himself. Make peas porridge not war.
  • Peter Rabbit had run a smear campaign. "MacGregor, Menace to Bunnies Everywhere!" "Where's My Jacket? Ask MacGregor!" An angry thumping of many paws was heard at the door.
  • A thousand crazed bunnies lunged at MacGregor as he answered the door. They drowned him in a giant watering can and served him up with cabbage. as Mrs. MacGregor ran for her life.


  1. Woab Sep 18 2016 @ 12:29

    So don't sweat the big stuff, just the small stuff. Chaz, loved your line.

  2. SlimWhitman Sep 19 2016 @ 17:15

    My fold contains a tag for an old old story reaching back even earlier than this one, four years in the making. I like Wickfelt McGregor and Nessie's relationship.

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