Mr. Roach and his family moved into a house

  • Mr. Roach and his family moved into a house in the Hamptons on March 15th, 2016 and folded stories to pass the time. This is just the first line and already it shows signs of
  • slowing down. Mr. Roach was a veteran folder, having written hundreds of snippets of stories. He wondered how many of these thoughts of his matched the intentions of the original
  • folder. He wanted to be intelligent, witty yet allow the story to fold in a direction that would make it appealing to the others, so he decide to try a
  • Plot twist, the story took a turn for the worst, and all of the sudden the characters began to rapidly change, but were un affected by tragedy, and so the story unfolded. It then
  • turned out that the author of this story was a teenage girl, who had been writing yaoi fanfiction for years, and tried to maintain relevance by making everyone act OOC! This meant
  • "out of control", because that anonymous teenage girl's fan fiction was all about people freaking out! Now, this may have indicated problems in her home life, but who knows? Anyway
  • , judging by the number of exclamation marks she used after every sentence, I could sense that this teenaged girl had never known any real excitement in her life. Then, as I looked
  • through her purse for bus fare, I found a naked picture of Don Knotts and was surprised at how hairy his chest was. I also found her diary: every page was filled with exclamation
  • points at the end of each sentence in every entry! It was like totally weird and totally boring at the same time! But that image! I couldn't forget those pouting lips and bulging
  • eyes! A knock at my door! I wasn't expecting anyone! Another knock, this time, louder!! I opened the door! No! No!! It couldn't be! But it WAS! It It was Gene Wilder!!!


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