A Wild Snorlax Appeared! What will you do?

  • A Wild Snorlax Appeared! What will you do?
  • "I, uh, um wait - oh fuck, what do I do now? Am I doing this right?" I asked myself. I guess Pikachu did look a bit strange attempting to straddle the Snorlax. So I decided to
  • do what any mauve blooded, 3 tit stripper would do; the pee wee herman. I was the pee wee herman dance champion for 3 years running at our local chapter of the
  • FunHouse For Adults™ founded by our local legend, Pee Wee himself. He had personally bestowed on me the highest honour, the golden bike trophy, awarded for my skills as a
  • robo-slave. I was programmed to do crap for others no matter how I felt about it. It wouldn't be a problem except I still had feelings. I'd rather be watching TV while my body
  • rusted away on my couch. The problem was that my TV also had feelings, namely self-consciousness. "Stop staring at my knobs!" it would shout. Robo-slavery was my excuse to get away
  • from my wife. My job sucks though, being a TV. I freakin' hate those ads & most folks want to watch trashy reality shit, Glee or Jersey Shore. Why no MLP, Supernatural or Dr Who?
  • And to make matters worse, more and more people were just hooking me up to their Xboxes and watching Netflix. Cable's gonna be obsolete soon, and that 3D fad never really took off
  • like cuffing your jeans in the 80s, you know? I'm trying to get comfortable, but with all of these cables stuck in various places, it's not easy, and 4 what? So people can catch up
  • wards of 100 cable channels, a nostalgic spinal tap of the last 40 years. In old age you come full circle, I muse: no hair or bowel control, baby fed, and the tv for a baby sitter.


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