The little white beeper beeped. Tad picked

  • The little white beeper beeped. Tad picked it up and dropped it into a Venti Latte. Deepak said, "Are you crazy?" Tad took off his barrista apron, "Like a fox."
  • As Tad headed out the back door of Starbuck's, he heard Deepak behind him. "Then me too." Deepak couldn't live without Tad, but now they both needed jobs. "Let's start our own
  • amusement park. Deepak was the tilt-a-whirl, Tad the shooting gallery. They sold funnelcakes they had made at home (meaning over a tin can in the alley and made with whatever
  • Filling was available). The lychees said, "Not us!"... as did the strawberries, blueberries and apricots.
  • boysenberries. The cumquats, mangodurians, & gooseberries protested loudly at the suggestion. Then the cherrry suggested bitter orange made a good jam & looked at annoying orange
  • 's frown turn upside down. Annoying became cloying with his saccharine smile. Bitter no more! But Orange fooled no one, and for that Cherry pitied him.
  • Cherry thought it might stem from Orange's color being associated with the Liar in Chief. Orange had to show he was more pineapple than fig. Suddenly, Cherry wanted to help Orange.
  • "Let's get outta this fruit stand," said Cherry, and she took Orange's hand and the two escaped into the bowels of the old Pop Tart factory. Since no fruit had been used in the
  • production of Pop Tarts ever, Cherry and Orange felt they would be safe there. What they didn't expect was the warm welcome by Mom and Pop Tart themselves. Pop was a pomegranate &
  • Mom was made of licorice from the depths of Hades. But since Pop tart was pomegranate, only half of him was there, the other half was boiling in Persephone’s stomach in Hell.


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