Most of my nights are restless. Jarvis is

  • Most of my nights are restless. Jarvis is dead!?! How is that possible? Worse yet, how does Detective Marcus think I had anything to do with it. Murder? Me?
  • I was in the subway at the 75th Ave. station when Jarvis supposedly was shoved onto the tracks. Det. Manatee and his sea monkeys said he was at 35th on a different line.
  • but I knew better. The truth was in the blood and guts sprayed all over the subway walls at 75th St., and a ring with "Jarvis" carved inside. Det. Manatee took my statement and
  • used it to wipe the guts off the subway wall. He studied them carefully. "Looks like cockroaches have invaded this sub shop," the proud Det. Manatee announced. No one was terribly
  • shocked, having figured as much upon dining at the Subway & puking for days later. But Det. Manatee discovered roaches were not only IN the food- they actually prepared it! "Why,
  • what astonishingly talented insects!" Det Manatee was torn between feelings of disgust and admiration for the cockroaches. Who knew they were so capable?
  • They spelled out "The murderer is..." on the counter. Just then the lieutenant flipped the light and the roaches scattered. "So close," muttered Det. Manatee.
  • The only clue they had to murder's identity was the poop the roaches left behind in the shape of an M and an I. Det. Manatee speculated..Michael, Mitchell, Michelle? Hmm Ah I know!
  • Mission Impossible! "Of course, just my luck", thought Det. Manatee, "I would get an IMF case on a night I have the first 2nd date in a long time"! "I heard that", said his partner
  • “But 2nd dates can lead to a 3rd” his partner added “then maybe eventually marriage. Where would that leave our partnership, Manatee?” They then eloped and lived happily ever after


  1. SlimWhitman Feb 17 2018 @ 09:22

    Is Det. Manatee still partnering with Insp. Abalone?

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