Bylo, nebylo, v jednom království žila

  • Bylo, nebylo, v jednom království žila zlá vláda a zlý parlament. Lidé v té vládě vždy slíbili, že udělají vše, aby se běžným lidem žilo lépe.
  • "Once upon a time, lived in a kingdom of evil government and evil Parliament. People in the government always promised to do everything to make ordinary people lived better." read
  • Jon Stewart to Obama and David Cameron. "The evil government and evil parliament were bad. Baaad. But they could have done something good. Goood." Barack and David wrinkled their
  • business shirts before starting the next stage of the ironing competition. It looked like Putin and Merkel would easily win until David and Obama brought out a special starch
  • made from antique yams. "Thank you, Ota!" said Fukui-san. Meanwhile at Xtreme Ironing Stadium, Putin and Merkel smirked at the pretenders David and Obama. Vodka, potatoes and even
  • -keeled Irishmen were there. Putin had a bad taste in his mouth for all the Polish jokes Obama was telling over by the hosted bar. He was going to go upstairs and see what was on
  • And some four years later was still fuming at Obama's terrible skills as a comedian. He stopped listening to any of this rubbish out of sheer disgust. Time for Russian coffee!
  • I bet when Putin tells a joke at the press core's expense they have a genuine Russian belly laugh about it. Come to think of it Trump got off some good ones. He'd make a good Pres
  • -s-On-Nails model. He could run his Press-On-Nails through his thatch of beige hair and make that poochy face and women would flock to buy that product just to look like him.
  • Then somebody said that all the women that looked like him, beige and poochy, were becoming Stepford wivey. It went viral and he was forgotten but the Stepford wivey diss lives on.


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