Once upon a time, there was a circle named

  • Once upon a time, there was a circle named Juliet.
  • One day juliet killed herself because she felt insecure about her shape. Her sister capulet was a different shape and was very confident. She missed juliet now and prayed
  • to her imaginary three dimensional icosahedral God to give juliet the shape she always desired, a tribar. Capulet felt the love triangle between her juliet and romeo could exist in
  • Bermuda but to get there they'd have to follow a triangular path with at least two right angles. Romeo, Juliet & Capulet were on their speeders when Pythagoras looked down from
  • their mountain in the sky and sneered at their passing ship. A wave suddenly rocked the boat and he laughed as Romeo, Juliet, and Capulet were tossed on the waves
  • of the roaring sea. Romeo, being a pansy, immediately clung onto Juliet with all his might. Juliet shook him off roughly, having no desire to drown. Romeo, however, did drown.
  • But only metaphorically speaking did he drown... namely in a pool of Juliet's sarcasm as he clung to her on the piece of driftwood in the middle of Lake Placid. They were miles fro
  • and more mile to but neither refused to allow for unethical misuse of tort reform as a red herring anti-pasta. It would get smothered by the Maddog 2020.
  • Maddog 2020 was running for president and offered hope in the post collapse era. Both parties splintered into 3,584,6990 pieces after 2016. He won by a landslide. Maddog 2020 was
  • sworn in with lots of swearing and the country was in for the hangover of its life. Maddog 2020 slept through most of his presidency and left the office in a shambles. Who doesn't?


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