There was a mole deep in the Folding Story

  • There was a mole deep in the Folding Story diaspora. S/he/It would copy folds and paste them in the 'How not to do it' sections of creative writing websites. Detective J Manatee
  • knew the dirt on FoldingStory, like how all the accounts were run by 3 people. The FS-critical articles were posted at the time of NixonBlack's disappearance, so Det. Manatee susp
  • ended his FS account until he got to the bottom of Nixon Black's disappearance. Det. Manatee had no leads. He laid by a freshwater spring in a lagoon to relax and really let his mi
  • dgets do all the work. The fame had gone to his head. Sure Manatee P.I. let out a good sound bite from time to time about the Nixon Black case but the reality was that a pile of
  • volcanic hemorrhoids was festering him & pursuing criminals was a pain in the ass. "Midget detectives are good enough for petty crime." JMan said but the rhoids were a dasterdly pl
  • aguing problem, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. JMan worried about how his burning rhoids were affecting his credibility, especially among the midget detectives. Solving cr
  • imes was about a thousand times more difficult when your mind is distracted by your hiney. JMan couldn't break the code that was left on the dumpster. His partner, KMan
  • laughed. "JMan you're such a joker, give me that serial number and I'll have the code cracked in five minutes". This didn't do much for KMan's self esteem, not to mention HMan's
  • advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage. But that both were gentlemen...my friends. So JMan, KMan, and HMan waited silently as FMan cracked the code
  • they said could never be cracked. "Tune in to next week's episode of 'Alphabet Men' to find out if he cracks the code!"


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