"I said a boom chick a rocka chicka rocka

  • "I said a boom chick a rocka chicka rocka chicka boom." Sang the Camp Counselor. She was wearing sweats. A clip board. On the Pine Stage doing her shtick. The son of the
  • sea god, Percy Jackson, called out, "SHUT UP!!!" I ducked behind a crowd to avoid the counselors, probing the audience for the caller.
  • The crowd performed a Mexican wave and then parted to reveal me on the big screen. The entire crowd roared with laughter at my t-shirt which said
  • "I'm with Turgid Stoat" and had a big arrow pointing south. It seemed the perfect time then for me to introduce the world to my newest dance, the Stoat, and I began to gambol and
  • gallivant around the dance floor. C'mon! Everybody do The Stoat! You just make your whole body really stiff & then sort of waddle back & forth while pushing your head front & back.
  • The Stoat seemed kind of dorky but Jenny Cribbage was on the dance floor. I figured this was my last chance & danced towards her. "Is that a turgid stoat in your pants or are you
  • a shemale?" she asked. Dammit! I knew I shoulda watched the Harlem Shake before trying it! My dancing didn't disguise what was in my pants and having it mistaken for a turgid stoat
  • made me blush with pride. I shook my booty on the dance floor until my pet ermine, strapped to my left thigh woke up and sank its pointy teeth into my delicate flesh. Bellowing
  • "Get the ferret off me!" I fell to the floor writhing in pain. Luckily a bystander noticed the wriggling weasle's head protruding from my dress, and managed to unstrap and free the
  • critter from my lackluster bosomal protrusions. Oh, if only the varmint had been trapped between, further mayhem would not have ensued! My, I do believe I have the vapors!


  1. Zetawilk Feb 26 2013 @ 12:28

    Moral of the story: At least your late husband didn't have claws.

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