If I do well on my exam,
- If I do well on my exam,
- I will finally be able to get a decent night's sleep. The last several nights I've had the same dream. In it, it is the day of the exam and I go to class like usual, but
- then I wake up, only to realize that I'd dreamed that I dreamed about exam day. And now here it is: the real exam day and I am so exhausted, I'm sure I'm gonna BOMB IT!
- and then I wake up, only to realize that I dreamt that I had dreamed it was the REAL exam day. Now it is the day after exam day and I missed it, I Failed to take the exam...egad!
- Not to worry. I had a hot tub time machine. I hopped in it leaving behind my troublesome friends this time and headed back to take my test. Only to remember I hadn't studying. So
- I climbed back into my hot tub time machine and went back a little further so I'd have time to study in the library for the test. Unfortunately I forgot to put on my pants when I
- hit the button causing spacetime to froth with virtual planck bubbles having no pants or hammer was a bad omen because ofcourse the whirlpool's hypertubing clogged & I ended up in
- the toilet's whirlpool, stuck between dimensions. The talisman that I had with me--my toilet plunger--was the only thing keeping my physical form from being torn between 2 worlds
- The Lord of the Knives saved me by slicing the whirlpool in half. It would reduce the water bill, he said. It had just been paid and I thought 50 dollops was too much. But sadly it
- left me eating cabbage soup for the rest of the month. I sat on the edge of my cot eating my cabbage and feeling like Raskolnikov after he had murdered the pawn broker. Sonia?
- Started
- 2017-01-31 22:44:46
- Finished
- 2017-03-09 20:16:27
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