He'd waited in the port authority for over

  • He'd waited in the port authority for over sixteen hours. The service dregs had brought him sustainables but of course, it was corporate food. The kind that
  • made you sick just by looking at it,so he entered this nice bistro down the street,and ordered some good food to go with some good wine and this woman aproached him saying
  • a whole bunch of noise that he wasn't trying to hear. He told her point-blank to F off but she was completely off her rocker and sat down at his table. The first
  • thing she did was pull a straight razor out of her hair do and say "I should cut you but I'm already too drunk so I'll sit with you awhile." She plopped her ass in a chair, smiled
  • and began rolling a cigarette. She was beautiful, with her pompador and eyebrow piercings. I suddenly felt like I wanted to spend the rest of my life with this woman. I paused then
  • and rubbed down my eyebrows. She was opening bottles of Blue Ribbon with her gold grill. It was sweet perfection. "Hi soulmate," I whispered. She looked up with her one good eye,
  • and I swooned into its oily browness. Without hesitation, she spat the cap out and wiped her mouth with her wrist. "What?" she drawled, her tarnished bracelet
  • dripping with oil. "Was I not supposed to drink that?" I pushed myself up from the ground, now covered in spilled oil, and cried out, "No! Oil is not for
  • human consumption it is for making sure your engine works properly". Thinking about this, you wondered how long ago your last oil change was but you remember that
  • last time you got an oil change they accidently put water instead of oil in your car. So you had to walk 3 miles down the highway back to a gas station when your car broke down!


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