As she walked down the dark foggy street,

  • As she walked down the dark foggy street, she couldn't see what was ahead of her. She was worried sick that she was still be followed by that man from the club.
  • The man paced faster and faster towards her trying to keep his identity hidden by covering his face with his hat. The fog deepened and the man seemed to be approaching ever closer.
  • "Come with me," he whispered in that deep. scruffy voice. He pulled her quivering arm and led her to a speak-easy in downtown New York. The bar flipped over to reveal alcohol.
  • "I can't go." She said trying to hide her fear. "I have a meeting to go to and I can't be late." He looked at her in disbelief.
  • He was mad because she always left. Even when he tries to consummate their relationship by taking the extra step, she is only repulsed by the idea. "What are you so scared of?"
  • "I'm not scared," she corrected him. "I just don't care to have sex with a man who has an axe sticking out of his skull. It's kind of a turn off. Plus, you smell."
  • "What axe sticking out of my skull? What can you see? Tell me what you can see!" "Can't you see it?" she stuttered. He grabbed her by the shoulders. "Tell me what you can see!"
  • "I, I see you, with an axe sticking out of your skull." He grabbed her ankles and hung her upside down. "Now what can you see?" "I see your shoes and a few peanuts under the sofa."
  • He lifted her up over his head. "Now what can you see?" he asked. "I see an axe sticking out of your head, and water damage on the ceiling." He put her down and called the landlor
  • d, who was also an undercover psychologist working for the fbi. "She had a vivid imagination on the inkblot test!" The experiment was a success and the landlord was pleased.


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