Only really really smart people will be able

  • Only really really smart people will be able to make sense of this story. Oh yes, it is a tale involving all of humankind' s greatest conflicts, but with definite resolution. Bob
  • Monkhouse's astonishing private collection of television rarities has a LOT to do with it, or course...but that would be anticipating. So, to begin at the beginning: an ordinary Tu
  • rtle had a friend called Mister Lizard, big cartoon in the 80s.... Monkhouse put another video tape in: "Now, this one never aired, you can see a murder in the background."
  • The murderer was seen in several other videos throughout the following years. The US Army caught him trafficking prostitutes with RPGS to a battle scene that killed a whole squad!!
  • The murderer was known to many for his evil deeds. But these evil deeds the murderer did because God asked him to. God had many things to finish before the world ended and
  • he is a horrible multitasker. How in the world is God supposed to set the table for Thanksgiving dinner and simultaneously advise the serial killers in his agenda. God sighed and
  • thought about flooding it all and starting over. God's mother was not pleased as she had Thanksgiving dinner guests arriving and everything was now soaked. God felt like a failure
  • He couldn't focus on his study. Nor on his writing, and that was the worst. He had promised Moe Zeus he would finish at least 10 chapters by Easter. And that was 40 years ago. God
  • Willing he would live to finish the book, however many chapters it had. It took 25 years to finish 10 chapters! That was on December 1st, not Easter. How peculiar that the title
  • had nothing whatsoever to do with the conclusion, and that dialogue sometimes changed to narrative or sentences could run on well longer than they conceivably should have.


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