Perhaps we should see other people.

  • Perhaps we should see other people.
  • ..said the note on the refrigerator door. Why wasn't he bear enough for her? Pooh plopped onto a chair and poured himself another rye and honey. The place felt so empty without
  • all the rest of the furniture. Those darn termites. He was really going to have to call an exterminator. Pooh took a long drag of his honey-rye concoction and wandered over to the
  • chair where he flopped down. The chair broke. "DAMN those DAMN termites DAMN it!" Pooh bellowed. He wasn't drunk enough for this, took another gulp of his honey-rye drink and sat i
  • tried to console my friend. "Maybe we should lay off the mead, how about a nice..." Pooh pulled on my felt ear and whispered, "Lishun, piggie, its thoses damned heffalumps...
  • and the woozles... they keep coming for my huney!". Confused, I turned and slapped Piglet across the snout, making him bleed and start crying again. Then I returned to my prone p
  • osition and scooped my sniper rifle. "Shut up,"I hissed at Piglet as I lined up Mr. Tickle bear for a head shot. Slowly but firmly I squeezed the trigger. BOOM!
  • The clap of thunder to mask the shot startled Piglet causing him to jump and bump the rifle. The shot missed Mr. Tickle Bear by a hair.
  • Mr. Tickle Bear put a paw to his temple & looked about. The next shot exploded his head in a spray of sawdust. Piglet squealed with delight, ran to the corpse & began pulling tufts
  • of TRUTH out of the corpse. Believe in yourself. Listen, then act. Cherish riendships. Glancing about, Piglet quietly stuffed that last one back in, before strolling away happily.


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