Colder than a well diggers ass? The only

  • Colder than a well diggers ass? The only way find out it's meaning is to actually dig a well by hand. The well well Dad and I were digging was already thirty feet deep and water
  • people, I think they're called mermaids, but these were freshwater mermaids, they came to the surface. Freshwater mermaids are a little more low rent than the salt water ones
  • and depending on your personal preference, are the better of the two because their bottom half is the human one. She gave me a look that only a severed fish head could, and I knew
  • it was love at first sight. Reverse-mermaids were a longtime fantasy of his, and he ran toward her in gleeful abandon. Being without lungs, however, she flapped around on the floor
  • gasping. Her pretty lips forming a perfect circle as she tried in vain to breathe. He watched horrified. She was dying. His fantasy was dying. But her mouth gave him naughty
  • feelings that reminded him of his mother. But his mother died of suffocation and he couldn't let her expire in the same awful way. Grabbing the arms of the assailant, he
  • dug his claws into the flesh as hard as he could, scratching along the skin of the meaty flesh until it bled. The attacker cried out in pain, releasing his victim, but now angrier
  • chickens descended upon the attacker and pecked him in the nuggets. It was a cluckin' bad week for Colonel Sanders to become a predator. At least he shouldn't have winged it. Tyson
  • bit the ear off a turkey while Colonel Sanders played chicken with a roided up grouse. I goosed the grouse from the side, trying to get it to hulk out on camera. Turns out, that wa
  • s what mating grouses do. I was in for an all-out assault by the frisky grouse. The camera captured it all. So, that my son, is the reason I now only have one eye.


  1. jaw2ek Jun 26 2012 @ 21:35

    Like the reverse mermaid idea.

  2. Zetawilk Jul 10 2012 @ 04:10

    Reminds me of the internet.

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