"How was your day today?LOL" she typed. I

  • "How was your day today?LOL" she typed. I eyed the message, unsure of how to respond. I could reply pleasantly with a lie, or I could tell her the truth, that at this moment I
  • wasn't LOLing. I wasn't even "L"ing silently. I could just not reply and hope she didn't start calling every five minutes like last night. Crazy women are so attractive until
  • they forget their meds. My delayed reaction only seemed to stir the pot. "Why don't u answer? Don't u luv me? Don't make me track u down and murder u in ur sleep! Hugs & kisses,
  • fists and dishes fly as the blood runs down each other's faces. This is not what she wanted, but its what she gets for marrying the first guy she
  • ever played tennis with. It started innocently with gentle warmup volleys, but once the game started her intense competetive nature kicked into gear, and the next thing she knew
  • she'd hit the ball SO hard that when it hit the ground it didn't bounce, it went into the ground. It carried on underground with such a force that it flew out on the otherside of E
  • arth & into Koshien Stadium where the Hanshin Tigers were in the 7th Inning with the Yomiuri Giants. The ball hit the batter Fumio Fujimura, starting a massive brawl, during which
  • Seventeen teeth were broken, ten jaws broken and six concussions were reported by the team doctor. The fans in the bleachers were like Romans watching the gladiators. Nobody knew
  • who was secretly a Xtian and who a Xenu. Even the Lions were suspected. Rex was accused of chewing lightly on the Xtians but ravenously on the Xenu. His spokeslion denied it flatly
  • , insisting that Rex found them all equally tasteless and that he'd had it "up ti here" with all of them. And sure enough, he was right. Nothing left of them but shoes and phones.


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