A man wanders, lost, through a desolate wasteland.

  • A man wanders, lost, through a desolate wasteland. All he holds hear, gone, hopelessness filling the weakened body. Only one thing remains that can still bring him joy.
  • Air. Air was all around him, and he sucks it in gratefully as he has nothing else. The desert is unforgiving, and down the random sand dunes he hallucinated, seeing vivid images.
  • Suddenly, he saw something ahead. He couldn't tell if it was an illusion - or something for real. As he went closer, that something started turning into a
  • blurred shape. He edged closer towards it and the blurred shape got slowly clearer. He couldn't make out what it was, only that it was somehow out of place. Before he could reach
  • out to touch it, it reached out, and nommed his fingers. He stumbled back onto his rump, and his vision slowly faded into darkness. He descended into a coma
  • for about 30 seconds. Ok, he actually fainted. He'd always had a flair for drama and a severe aversion to saliva. He grimaced in disgust and wiped his fingers on his jeans before
  • standing and taking a step back. "I'm just gonna go..." he walked out, likely trying not to vomit as he wiped spit off his hand. We were left with the unconscious man who
  • Had once been our comrade, but his memory was preserved by a microchip Dr. Wikid had installed. The Committee of 300 had just published their new school curriculum for 2016-2017.
  • They recommended comrade's chip be installed in the school districts supervisor to implement the new curriculum, little knowing that Dr. Wikid had installed the communist manifesto
  • thus brainwashing hundreds of innocent childern. Well, you couldn't really consider them innocent anymore.


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