Three point one four one five nine two six

  • Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six four three three eight three two seven nine five zero two
  • ... We checked. "Awesome! OK, now do another shot." She did. "OK, now what's pi raised to pi?" She started immediately "Thirty six point four six one nine five two zero nine three
  • no, nine." No, she said, not Pi, PIE! We were astonished.
  • Our trig teacher put on a robe, lit incense in a brazier, sliced up a pie and chopped up a carrot. She passed these out. "Now, we shall RAISE our cubed roots to the POWER of PIE!"
  • It was another one of her literal lessons. She was strange to say the least. Tomorrow she'd probably wear a bathing suit and pretend to swim on her desk. No one wanted to see that.
  • But then you can't really unsee these things. It wasn't the first time she went with her urges. Last month she ran a 3 ring circus for her gerbil, M. Knight Furrymon which ended as
  • usual by her dressing up in her gerbil suit and the two of them running off to some gerbil adventures where M. Knight Furrymon was a Prince and she was a wastrel he'd taken a shine
  • -y penny from. Broke and enraged, the gerbil match-girl lunges for the gerbil-prince's throat. She is grabbed by his henchmen and put in a tiny guillotine with a Dixie cup beneath.
  • "Any last words, sawdust breath?" The executioner asked. The gerbil said nothing, just let a ipad meld out of its forehead and streamed footage of South Parks "The Startling."
  • A small boy watching the execution in the front row, confused by the mix of comedy and tragedy would later say this was the moment that ruined all of his future relationships.


  1. Woab Oct 17 2019 @ 14:30

    Love the conclusion, rocat!

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