I very much remember you from the 1980s.
- I very much remember you from the 1980s.
- Can I ask you this now? What was the deal with the mustache? Was it drugs or just the zeitgeist? Now that we have reconnected, I feel
- like there are so many things I want to ask you Frank." After Elvis & Bono, Oprah got the Medium to channel Zappa. When she asked him what a chromium cob was
- he pulled down his pants and showed her. The audience all ran for the exit and the Medium came to with his pants around his ankles and Oprah
- cocked George Zimmer's head back, and cleared his throat of debris. Oprah put her mouth over his and exhaled life-giving burger breath in his chest. Then she put all her weight
- upon his already brittle legs. He collapsed like a picnic chair in a tornado, trapped between the horrid shag carpeting and Oprah Winfrey's naked body.
- He gasped. "Get off m-" but his voice was smothered by the mounds of rolling flesh covering him. He realized that she was slowly crushing him. He heard 3 of his right ribs break.
- "My real name is Trimba Trumbundo!", he screamed, slowly being crushed by the festering mass. If only now he had the help of his fellow African warlords!
- "Your voodoo is useless here, Trimba!" the witch doctor cackled, his necklace of shrunken heads knocking together with a haunting wooden sound. "We will have your liver!"
- The fat duck shuddered, knowing that in meeting a Houdoun gourmand, his fate had surely been sealed. At least, Trimba rationalized, he would be delicious.
- Started
- 2011-03-19 12:59:15
- Finished
- 2011-04-23 00:23:24
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Bad. Apr 23 2011 @ 00:26
I suppose this wouldn't be the first time I've mistaken CPR for a sexual advance...