Outside the 'Pizza Palace' 2 innocent takeawayers

  • Outside the 'Pizza Palace' 2 innocent takeawayers are approached by Robin Hobo: "I am here to liberate those pizzas, ladies, and give them to hobos. Now, hand them over."
  • The ladies see he's unarmed and use their self defence skills to knock him down and escape. It's another defeat for Robin Hobo. Soon after, he found his next target:
  • the housekeeping staff at the Royal Suites. Robin Hobo boldly approached one of the maids and asked for her name. "It's Maryanne. What's with the empty quiver?"
  • I'm here to retrieve my arrow. It flew in one of your windows. May I inspect your pantry & bedding? Robin Hobo doffed his Long John Silver cardboard hat. Maryanne arched a brow, "
  • Do not toy with me, Robin Hobo," she warned. "I know why you are here & I assure you that there is nothing belonging to you in my home." Maryanne's blue eyes met Robin Hobo' s.
  • "Such a brave lady!" he thought. He gave Maryanne an angry/confused look and said "Yours is mine honey, and I'm not leaving till,
  • you give me full ownership of the dog and the pink furry coat!" Maryanne gasped. "Not the pink coat! Anything but the pink coat!"
  • Maryanne thought she was being clever. She hated that pink coat more than anything. And the dog, too, come to think of it. But he wasn't fooled. "In that case, hand over the
  • Bag of venison jerky before I chew it open and grab it from you.." Dude was no ordinary golden retriever. He grew up a housefull of
  • flea bitten cats. Dude was only a pup so he was heavily infulenced by them, nowadays he licks his fur clean, meows and has flea-phobia


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