His fingers came away bloody from the painting.

  • His fingers came away bloody from the painting. Had his Mona Lisa just bitten him? Oh and now she was smiling. "Not funny, my dear," said Leonard, as he dabbed his brush
  • on the wound. "I can make you as tubby, unibrowed, and pipe smoking as I wish, Mona, so play nice." Da Vinci was an Audobon at heart. Women sell art, but the trees were the stars.
  • But Da Vinci never really finished a painting. This was because
  • he was colour blind. Yeah! Da Vinci couldn't differentiate 'leaf green' & 'lipstick red'. So the Pope would have to paint the trees for him. DON'T tell Dan Brown this or I'll sue
  • Him for plagiarism. His books go unsold now and are returned to the publisher. Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for Literature instead of him. Dan Brown now was furious enough that he
  • wrote a Thriller staring an aloof aging rock star with a nasally voice who actually was a spawn of satan. Dan Brown's new novel sold like hotcakes, but when
  • someone decoded the hidden message about captain crunch when you read the book backwards Dan Brown was revealed as a secret double double agent of the left kingdom who
  • secretly wants to overthrow King Vitaman and replace him with Cap'n Crunch. Yes friends, Dan Brown is a dangerous lunatic and needs to be placed in Frankenberry's dungeon where he
  • and the Trix rabbit can have a go at each other with knives. Toucan is in the next cell block running numbers through an infinity engine powered by loss. The Krispies are out on a
  • snap, crackle, pop tour. The Cap'n and Tony and The Quaker are spending the day at the park feeding the Sugar Bear. Have you seen the Sugar Bear? Man...he's got some grape nuts!


  1. Rebbie Feb 08 2017 @ 13:07


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