The living room was a disaster area of headless

  • The living room was a disaster area of headless dolls and strewn-about paper snowflakes. It was obviously another hit by the deadly serial killer we called "Ken" (obviously). He al
  • ways leaves the snowflakes, his calling card. "Ken" had expanded from decapitating barbies to other vinyl dolls. "Ken" used a katana he stole from Raphael. The trail of paper snowf
  • ire illuminated the path. Statues of Jade Scorpians stood on either side. All Ken had to do was cross the "barrier." He could stay in his room, or cross the Dragon Divide and
  • get the girl. But at that moment, Ken realized that he was gay and risking his life to rescue another damsel in distress was just not his gig. He did fancy the giant statues of
  • Krum. But they didn't fancy him back. It wasn't because he was gay but because he had a concave chest. The giant statues of Krum are quite shallow & Ken, with his gorgeous personal
  • spray tan had to have a partner worthy of his incredible good looks. If not the statue of Krum, then perhaps a Moai of Easter Island? Ken thought this was more likely & traveled
  • to Easter Island. There, he lined up the moai statues and asked which one wanted to be his partner. One of the statures fell over. He covered that one with spray tan and carried
  • her to the ball. Everyone was amazed by his partner's silent majesty and rock solid composure. He gloated as no one could see behind her façade
  • that she's really Rosie, the Jetson's maid, who was easily wafting the ball gracefully back at Mr. Spacely, sweating profusely because he'd need to give George a raise if he lost
  • The photo of his new house at central park and colfax.


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