And the fourth little pig lived in a prefab

  • And the fourth little pig lived in a prefab bungalow in the Poconos with central heating and indoor plumbing. The Big Bad Wolf arrived at the Open House. "Little Pig, Little Pig
  • let me look around at your open house? The fourth little pig wasn't there, just the Realtor. The big bad wolf snuck up to the Little Pig's bathroom and found the Prescription pills
  • and replaced their appetite suppressants with placebos. The little pigs were addicted to slimming products and the wolf was really concerned about their chronic low weight.
  • So concerned was the wolf over the little piggies' weight loss that he became an emotional eater, gained 50 lbs. & just sat at home watching TV. He hit rock bottom when he saw
  • the infomercial for Cenegenics. "And my libidio is there -- constantly!" bragged the middle-aged customer. The wolf sulked to the mirror and observed his paunch. He was no spring
  • Chicken any more, the wolf told the customer before exiting the store. By the time the customer complained to customer service, he was told they dealt only with humans. Bummer! The
  • -sauruses were no use. Whether capon or cockerel, it would always be chicken, and the wolf could get no human to care about his plight. Even Wolf Blitzer
  • howled with laughter in the wolf's sad face. Now both hungry and dejected, the wolf roamed the streets, sniffing the air for a hint of chicken. Once he smelled frog's legs over at
  • the Cajun restaurant, but it was Mardi Gras time and they mistook him for a kid in a wolf suit and wouldn't let him in without an ID. The wolf thought he might find some chicken in
  • side but instead he ate the stuffy waiter who refused him service based on his hair over growth issue. No one cared as the waiter was a rooster. Guess he did get chicken after all.


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