Today is the day. Its game day. Today is

  • Today is the day. Its game day. Today is the most important game day there is. Its the opening game. Our very first game. I'm ready to play some ball.
  • I tossed the ball high in the air. So high in fact, that I could no longer see it. It took a full 5 minutes to come back down again, and when it did it struck the batter with such
  • momentum that he died. Yes, died. Right there before us, in miliseconds, he was gone. Now the crowd
  • started cheering and rushing around, because The Beatles were walking past.
  • Not the BEATLES Beatles, but The Beat1es... spelled with a 1 instead of the L. They were as despicable a cover band as anyone had ever seen, which is why the women were screaming.
  • The women screamed because they were fake. They were fake because they needed dough. They needed dough to get women. They needed women to fulfill a void. They needed to ful
  • fill the void that wriggled and jiggled and wiggled inside them. I wonder why those women swallowed a void... perhaps they'll die. This was the most puzzling case that J Jehosophat
  • Manatee, Physicist-Detective, son of the submarine sleuth encountered. "Squarks & Quarks will leave their Marks" JJ muttered inspecting bubble tracks in the ladies digestive tracts
  • , sensing that an eruption of sorts was soon to occur (JJ was also an amateur gastroenterologist). The ladies crossed their legs in distress. JJ Manatee knew this case was about to
  • be closed. Everyone held their breath. JJ stood in complete silence just waiting for it to finally happen. He thought - maybe he'd have better luck tomorrow.


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