"Joy of Cooking," pg. 929, Chicken Nugget

  • "Joy of Cooking," pg. 929, Chicken Nugget recipe: 1) Slaughter chickens 2) Cleave into fun dinosaur shapes 3) Throw away 4) Guzzle pink slime 5) Wash down with soylent pink soda 6)
  • Take everyone out for ice cream sundaes 7) Don't forget it's movie night too. Due to the odd recipe components, and the fact that they were written in red crayon, I suspected Billy
  • had gotten into my "special" brownies again.That Billy! Always snitching my goods and stealing my art supplies. To teach him a lesson, I took him to to see Fantasia at the IMAX.
  • I hear the new anti-psychotics at the ward are showing some positive effects, and they say we might be able to see Billy for Christmas of 2019 now. But what about Lucy? She's
  • gone pan-psychotic, we're talking multiverse. Her mind shattered into a googleplex shards which pop in and out of the vacuum continuously. Lucy makes love to Hugh Everett in the
  • afternoon and by the light of the silvery moon and in the pre-dawn gloom. His obsession with her shattered m
  • onsieur François Perriers monocle, causing his blindness. Let me backtrack. M. Perrier had amassed prodigious theoretical knowledge of female sexuality, hysteria, & love from his
  • Experiment with pheromones in flavoured carbonated water. Perrier water was famous for its organic components. His monocle once was accidentally lost in the water and created new
  • kind of fart. He named it, plebosplckatus.
  • Plebosplckatus was the secret ingredient in many of the "mustard" gasses used during the great war. Some say it won the war for our side, but at what cost, my friends?


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