There was once a grand old man who liked

  • There was once a grand old man who liked to read a lot. One fine day he realized that he spent more time in reading than living and then he died. He had a grandkid who hated readin
  • g. Before he died the grand old man left his grandson a note. But the boy didn't read it. Which was a shame because
  • on the note lay an ancient family secret, passed down from father to son, the secret was... a secret of course, and no one knew what it was. But there had been guesses, and the boy
  • hastily picked it up and started reading in anticipation. Was it an old recipe? A treasure map maybe? "Son, now that I'm gone, you should know that behind the fireplace is a chest
  • . My chest. Your eldest brother inherited my head & various other appendages where inherited by your elder silbings. Don't hang your head low because "it's only a torso", my heart
  • will go on without me. I was an organ donor who gave up the ghost. It's still ticking, but a cancer survivor has it now. I check up on it from time to time. This old heart of mine
  • is doing a good service to that poor lad, bless his heart. Dying can be a drag, but bits and pieces always live on somewhere. You should see what happened to my kidneys, though.
  • They were baked into a steak pie by accident. As a non-corporeal post-organ donor, I was upset. My kidneys were pretty good when I had them. Someone will pay.
  • Given that I only had 2 - 3 weeks left to live without my kidneys I enlisted on C.J. Harris to help me with my revenge. Together we created a pipe bomb so powerful that it would
  • destroy the entire city. I decided though I wasn't just going to let myself deteriorate in a hospital. I was going out with bang. So when CJ Harris left town, I set the bomb off.


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