You know what do when you get writers block?

  • You know what do when you get writers block? Stack it in the corner with the others, till you have enough to build a really solid two story, three hole brick outhouse. Conjoined

  • triplets were always scooping up three-holers and with two stories it'd be quite a while til they had to scoop out the contents of those three holes. Problem was, I only had 72

  • scoops of raisins in

  • Kellogg's raisin bran. He couldn't stand hearing the ad since he worked at Kellogg's as an intern. There he found out that what looked like a juicy descicated grape was actually a

  • specially treated fecal dropping of a unique species of rabbit that Kellogg's had a patent on. This rabbit's droppings, when treated in the flavoring machines, had a delicious

  • strawberry coating. Being the first to notice this i quickly invented a new candy that would soon

  • win over the hearts of many people, especially young children. The smile on their faces each time they buy some just fills me up with so much

  • jealously, as I know I can never again feel the emotions that these children feel, not after the accident. Never again will I

  • smile or open my eyes beyond a wince. Every night I sit in darkness, my chest wrenches with such interminable pain, like an orgasm of ennui in my heart. Even My Little Pony can't

  • bring me out of these deep doldrums of dreck. Someone has licked the sugar off my gumdrops. All my rainbows are single and mono-chrome. The Candyland has been foreclosed. The End.



  1. SlimWhitman May 01 2012 @ 08:43

    You see what happens when you start experimenting with artificially processed food products?

  2. Zetawilk May 03 2012 @ 00:03

    People will continue to abuse artificially-processed food products if it keeps them from feeling guilt, remorse or responsibility. People overlook the real reasons not to abuse these substances, even the proponents of abstinence.

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