The crossing of the two dogflowers was a

  • The crossing of the two dogflowers was a huge mistake. A zen mastet documented
  • its occurrence within his brain, spending the rest of his years sitting zazen in an attempt to wrap it around his mind. The crossing of the two dogflowers was surely a huge mistake
  • , but then again, so was crossing his artificial legs. The high tech hinges somehow locked together, rendering him unable to rise to his feet when Master Bates entered the room.
  • He made a mental note to get that seen to as he crashed to the ground with his artificial knees resolutely stuck together. "Bates be a gent and
  • inform the magistrate that I shall not be attending the soiree tonight. I shall have to pay tribute to his latest suspicious diplomatic victory at some other juncture." Bates nod
  • ded sadly. There was no doubt that the magistrate's morals and tactics were questionable at best, but he hated to hear of anyone missing a soiree, deserved or not. If free drinks
  • could move them to a seance, poetry reading, mass hypnosis, or somnulencent prophecy, so be it! Free chips were passee. He offered forbidden fruits & flesh. The magistrate's soiree
  • was attended by the eager, the willing, the decryers, the wayfarers and the unknown. When the clock struck nine, the magistrate set it on fire. Forbidden fruits and flesh were pass
  • -ed around for all those who wanted some. Magic buzzed throughout the air as the magistrate began to feast, and the others followed suit. In one hour, at ten,
  • The beef stew was gone. The recipe was requested by the participants but never written down. One day, in 2043, I accidentally found it, but that makes for another folding story!


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