it was a fine day.i was jogging on the park,

  • it was a fine day.i was jogging on the park, and suddenly, i saw a tree burning in fire, and suddenly,it uprooted from the ground and started throwing fire ball at the people
  • The tree was clearly angry that it had been lit on fire, and it was taking out its anger on the townsfolk. I had to calm it down so it would stop throwing fireballs at everyone
  • so I stroke the tree trunk with my callused hand, sanding the rough edges off the bark. Its flames doused, it now ressembled a happy broccoli, and the villager's fears vanished
  • I raised my hands and pointed to my wood effigy. "All hail the mighty Broccoli!" The villagers bowed and pleaded for mercy. "Worship not your golden calf, eat your vegetables!"
  • I laughed at the imbecile before me who refused to eat their vegetables. Suddenly, from the trees behind me emerged a giant
  • eggplant. His bulbous presence caused the crowd of natives to collectively gasp. Was he the fiber hardy vegetable deity that the man spoke of? The eggplant started to sing raucousl
  • y, a rousing ratatoille reggae. The tubers and Greens began to sway. With his dark purple pate glistened in the torchlight Eggplant Jesus cast an aubergine aura on the crowd of
  • Vegetables and fruits in the produce department. The swiss chard and rainbow chard spoke to each other for the first time. Eggplant Jesus preached about the plant based diet and
  • balsamic Buddha cryptically addressed a gathering of condiments in Aisle 6. "Peas," said a cabbage to a nearby can of legumes. "Can you just leaf me alone?" The talkative grocery
  • bag understood this and LEAFED me alone. Budha grabbed a cart, and shared food with everyone.


  1. Flopp Sep 04 2016 @ 15:42

    It was a fine day, and this is a fine story haha

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