Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley,

  • Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Remember me to one who lives there. She once was a true love of mine.
  • Herb was mesmerized by Emily's lilting British dialect as she sung the song.What didn't register, however, was Emily's reference to "she" once was a true love of mine. Herb thought
  • no woman could resist his charms, but he'd forgotten to factor in that not every woman was straight. When he asked Emily out, she said, "Um, can you not tell I'm gay?" Herb had nev
  • er eaten a Whopper from Burger King. It's how Herb had made all his millions. He was their spokesperson for about two years. Sort of the subway Jared from the 80's.
  • Whatever happened to Jared, anyway? Anything neon was cool in the. 80s but not now. The Whopper is still made, but has more green slime in it than ever before. I never go there now
  • Sometimes, sitting at home alone, Ghost Busters blasts on to TBS, I get into my El Camino and drive past the decrepit old building, watching geezers get their fix of nostalgia.
  • I hope haven't heard of the remake yet. That movie really sucked, and I bet it'd kill them to know how bad the new one was. Literally, they might die, they're really old.
  • But what if they did? The worse they would get is Purgatory for making a crummy movie. They's probably enjoy Puragtory more than they would living at this point. At least everyone
  • in in purgatory would enjoy B movies since they only got to watch others in pain and suffering. So the shot the flick. They included two dancing bears and a scream scene starring
  • Mr. Rogers. The dancing bears were Mischa and Goodbye Felicia. Mister Rogers was being terrorized by his cardigan which it turns out was made from the skin of a witchy woman.


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