Wilbur the Quantum Cat was at last adopted

  • Wilbur the Quantum Cat was at last adopted by a loving family in Des Moines who didn't mind his magnetic field line hairballs and the strange quark droppings he left in the litter
  • since his subatomic cat turds didn't smell much before vaporizing. Wilbur hid in the darndest places. You never knew if he was there until you looked. Farmer Schroedinger said "He
  • 's here and not here at the same time. Why don't you get off my land before I makes you." Wilbur poked his head out of the box at the time as he didn't and miaowed. He crept
  • real slow, Wilbur the Cat decided to cross the road. He put one paw out on the pavement. Yards away a man named Ike was driving a hug beer truck and thinking about the time
  • space continuum & specifically about how the word continuum had 2 U's. Like vacuum. Or congruum. Con-gru-um. 'Weird' thought Ike as his truck impacted Wilbur the Cat so forcefully
  • that all of his U2 cds flew into the backseat. But Wilbur the Cat,although quote flattened, das not dead yet. He lifted his furry head from the asphalt & uttered one last thing. "
  • I was roadkill to the very end... literally..." He then took a deep breath, muttered "One does not simple pop in on the road king..." and transformed into a
  • huge, terrifying beast. Claws the size of butchers knives slashing out and teeth sharper then daggers bared.
  • But as I looked down, ready to meet my maker, my eyes caught a glimpse of the brute's membrane. It was odd, but for a split second you analyzed it like Sherlock Holmes.
  • I let out a quiet whimper, the membrane appeared soft, but the way it rippled in and out, I knew it wouldn't be easy to pierce. This was it. I was done for.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 16 2016 @ 18:11

    Like or like not Wlibur the Quantum Cat for he was/n't here.

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