"I wasn't zoned out I was staring out the

  • "I wasn't zoned out I was staring out the window that's all," said my homeschooling-mom-friend Wendy.
  • "Wendy, it's been two years since Dan left. He's not coming back." Her eyes burned at me, scaring me, then faded to dullness. "I know; it's time to move on." She got up w/out even
  • looking back. I saw her reach for her cell and just as quickly she reached into her memory for someone to help dull the pain. Wendy dialed Nick, and left a message that would get
  • a surprise that would screw up his plans and dump his new date that was...
  • worried that her new date might be too obtuse for her tastes. Oh Ron, why did you dump me? Ron spoke plain. Ron drove a car. Ron ate chicken. Ron wore black
  • hats, a bold (but frankly, quite humiliating) attempt to prove his machismo. He tipped his hat to another lady as he drove down the street, tears falling down the cheeks of the
  • Mary statue standing morosely in front of the cathedral. She looked so sad with her head bent, tears streaming from her empty eyes. He tipped his hat to her. Then Mary spoke to him
  • about her engine troubles. Mary had been designing a new exhaust manifold for a combustion engine and desparately needed inspiration. He was more than happy to discuss
  • the finer points of exhaustion, but ill-informed on technical aspects of engines, having spent most of his life 'til then shuttling between water-wheel and virtual centuries. Irr
  • igation trenches are fatiguing to build, and he never did escape from that fatigue. Until he took up elderly tossing.


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