If you pass this fold on to ten of your friends

  • If you pass this fold on to ten of your friends and tell them to pass it on exactly the same way, wonderful things will happen to you.
  • If you don't pass it along exactly the same way, bad things will happen to you, Passing folds will feel like passing gall stones. To avoid this fate add plenty of adverbiage & pass
  • ionate characters. Also, do not forget your article adjectives as they are very important for a smooth fold passing experience. Whatever you do, do not pass up an opportunity to
  • make up adjectives for articles, but the methods vary. There's clothing, law, faith, federation, and magazines. Whatever the outcome, the folding experience should run like the
  • Pacific Ocean over Niagara Falls. A torrent of visual imagery cascading into rivulets of colorful prose. Each fold evaporating into misty nether to form the cloud of a story that
  • danced daintily within the recesses of readers' minds. However, the minds of some folders (not mentioning any names) are dark, twisted, angry even. So vivid folds metastasized into
  • less vivid notions and pretty soon we were all hung out to dry," Simon said, setting his glasses on the desk and rubbing his temples. "Professor," one of his students chimed in
  • , twisting his raised arm into the shape of an upside down pretzel. "Isn't segregation unconstitutional?" "No, not at all, young Hogarth. Why, just yesterday I was drinking from a
  • mason jar, best moonshine I'd ever had, talking to an old friend about segregation not being unconstitutional. Ironic, Hogarth." He smiled. He had a crooked smile & a square face,
  • to be honest the smile was delightful. Too bad Hogarth was just imaginary, he faded away into nothingness. I got up, dropped the empty moonshine jug and walked the Lone Prairie.


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