But he couldn't tolerate this crap acting

  • But he couldn't tolerate this crap acting anymore. He was a God. They were, well twits. He walked over to the craft services table and decided to eat his feelings. He hated
  • scrapbooking. He especially couldn't stand all the different scissors for cutting just the right borders for everything. Still, a God had to know when it was time to work with the
  • scissors. So he grabbed two hard steel blades, nailed them together on an axis, and mentally bent the metal to form a pattern that would be formed when cutting. So he proceeded to
  • cut. The fabric separated beneath his jury-rigged scissors in a most satisfying way, and he smiled the smile of a man who liked to smile. A lot.
  • He carefully took the pieces he'd cut and laid them out. Then he slowly started to stitch them together in neat little stitches. He was a good sewer, he'd always loved to sew and
  • the opportunity to re-attach several hundred skin flaps to Murray, his pet poodle, seemed like a godsend. He grasped the needle & thread, stitching like a madman - which he was -
  • until he ended up with Theseus' poodle. Well, it was Murray's own poodle. But no part of his original poodle now remained. It began to act irrational, irate, irrascible and
  • irradiant, but mostly the 1st and 3rd things. King Minos rebuilt the slain Minotaur bit by bit until he wrought the sword-proof MechaMinotaur. The Poodle of Theseus growled, rolled
  • over and lifted its hind leg on the MechaMinotaur. Big mistake. The Poodle of Theseus' throat was crushed by MechaMinotaur in mid-yelp. King Minos was mightily pleased with MenchaM
  • inotaur. Meanwhile, in Crete, NE, under a new volcano, a new Minotaur waited for a new Theseus to pickup the thread of fate in the new labyrinth and start their story again.


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