Bubbles flew all around her and bounced against

  • Bubbles flew all around her and bounced against her nose as the parachute fluttered all around her. How she'd gotten on top of it was as much a mystery as how she'd come to
  • Neverland Ranch in the first place. Bubbles the Chimp was alive which was a miracle. Michael has been dead for awhile. Then a fist grabbed her throat. It was the Elephant Man's
  • blank gaze that gave the identity of the attacker away by the reflection in his dead-as-glass eyes. Meanwhile, Oprah read the new Dr. Oz book and rubbing herself with olive loaf
  • leaving a hard film on her supple skin. Then she ran to shower because she had a lunch date with Steadman and he was the kind of man who liked the crust removed. Towelling off, she
  • examined herself in the bathroom mirror, wondering if he would be able to notice her oddly shaped
  • nose. Nicknamed 'Captain Hook' at school, she had always been self conscious about her massive honker. It roughly resembled a banana. Covered in warts. "He might not notice though
  • , so long as I obscure it with copious amounts of makeup." She slathered it on thick with a plaster scraper, but that only made her nose seem lager. So she colored the sides dark
  • to make it apear thinner,but that also made it apear longer.So she clipped her eyebrows further apart,but she made a mistake:she was suposed to draw then closer.It was a disaster!
  • Too late, she realized her mistake. A bump appeared above her nose, which grew into a painful boil, and then suddenly exploded outward in a shower of gore as a parasitic alien expl
  • ained to her the importance of good hygiene. "If you just washed your face everyday none of this would have happened," the amorphous polyp stated. Thus, dermitology took over all.


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